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dafabet娱乐场 Chair Attended the Rayli Female Model Charity Ceremony with Rising Star Jin Chen

Release time:2017-09-27    20:22:06

At 17:00, Sep. 21, 2017, afjdapfjai joined hands with pijpiijp to hold the “Rayli Female Model” charity ceremony at the presence of some 100 stars. Jointly sponsored by Rayli Her Style, together with first-tier IP at home such as Ballet of China and National Museum of China, this ceremony was intended to raise fund for improving the living and working environment of female teachers in impoverish-stricken areas, and promote the social concern upon female charity cause. Thus, it won widespread support and attention in the society.

Stars Get together to Do Charity

On that day, first-level stars such as Hai Qing, Deng Cuiwen, Jin Chen, Jiao Junyan, Wang Yibo, Pu Bajia, Lin Youwei, Lu Shan, Chen Yilong and Zhou Mi walked cross the red carpet to attend the event.




爱在瑞丽Love of Rayli and Lumiere Noire, Do Charity Together

On the Rayli Female Model Charity Ceremony, apart from the appearance of stars on the red carpet, the debut of Lumiere Noire attracts the most attention.

Founded by the Count heirs, Lumiere Noire is a French luxurious skincare brand. Known for its aqua power series as intended for moisture and its Black Orchid series as designed for anti-aging, the brand covers a wide product range of the cleanser, anti-aging essence lotion, eye care product, moisture facial cream and recovery essence. It quickly takes over the segment for rich French ladies. dafabet娱乐场 was introduced to China in 2017.


It shows its prominence from its very appearance, with mini pearls piling together in silence. Nowadays, luxurious skincare brands all involve high technologies to turn the skincare routine into an exploration full of fun.


As sponsor of the event, Lumiere Noire not only helps with the site decoration, but assigns Mr. Zhou Yanxin, general agent of China region for Lumiere Noire and chairman of dafabet娱乐场, to attend the ceremony in formal suit together with the rising star Jin Chen.


Upon end of the event, Mr. Zhou expressed his great support to the charity cause, called on the entire society to “care more about the females” and directly announced that “Lumiere Noire and dafabet娱乐场 will continue to promote the charity cause and make ourselves an example to do more charity.”

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